Have you ever had a great idea, but not been able to make it a reality? Have you been lost, not knowing what to do next with your life? These are some of the moments when Results Coaching will definitely help.
The reason that Results Coaching helps, is 4-fold. First, we get clarity around what you want and why. Second, we do some research into what you need to achieve your goal, and we make a manageable action plan so you can take the required steps to make it happen.
Now, there are 2 more important elements to success, and I can't emphasise them enough. One is commitment. Contracts are not meant to be broken, so you keep at working that plan!
The other crucial element is "stick-to-it-ness". If you want to break an old habit, you stick to it. If you want to form a new empowering habit, you stick to it. When you want to master a talent or skill, you stick to it. You get the picture.
With Results Coaching, you develop Clarity, Commitment, Courage, and Self-Belief.
Now, you might be thinking that you want one thing, but then the process of Results Coaching reveals that you have a much deeper heart's desire. Go with it.
The process we use is such an amazing, powerful, invigorating, and enlightening experience, that you will be glad to put in the work of change and growth.
The process includes a questionnaire and a contract, and when you complete these, you start the adventure of a lifetime. That's because they allow you to find your clarity and to commit to your new "You". The contract is all about you, not about legal obligations.
The process also includes visualisations, which are just like guided meditations, except your own heart will reveal so much to you, that you will feel liberated and lighter.
The process also includes conversations which help you to make the best use of the discoveries you make in the other parts of the process. You also get accountability and encouragement.
Clarity. Commitment. Courage. Self-Belief.
Well, these "parts of the process" don't go anywhere without you taking action. Sometimes, that will require concerted effort from you. Oh, but it's worth it!
You're never alone in this, though. You have a direct line to someone who cares. You have encouragement from someone who wants to cheer you on. All you have to do is check in!

That person, who is cheering you on, is me!
There are different ways that you can use to get Results Coaching to work for you. I recommend an 8-Week Breakthrough Results Program to start with. This way, you really reap the benefits of Results Coaching. Then, you could try another 8-Week Program, or go onto monthly coaching.
If committing to 8 weeks seems a bit daunting, just remember what you are trying to achieve. Change doesn't happen overnight, so you can't force yourself to miraculously transform into someone you're not ready to be.
The reasons that my 8-Week Breakthrough Results Programs work so well, are 2-fold.
First, the research backs up the idea that if you stick to something every day for 8 weeks, and you pair it with something you do normally every day, you're likely to form a new habit. This is especially true if you also pair it, intermittently, with personally-relevant positive reinforcement.
Second, what we do in the 8-Week Breakthrough Results Program and the 8-Week Executive Results Program factor in everything the research suggests, in a package that is tailor-made for you, by you (thanks to your commitment to completing the questionnaire and the various steps).
It doesn't matter what you want to achieve, because we use tools and techniques that suit absolutely every kind of change you could imagine! Nothing is witchy-woo, or religious. Everything is backed by psychological research (and lots of it).
So, ask yourself, "Why would I wait until New Year's Day to resolve to live a better, healthier, happier and more fulfilling life? ", and if you can't think of an answer, then you know what to do.
Contact me for a free strategy session today ... or just go ahead and jump in!
Now, maybe you need some other tools too - such as books, meditations, meditation school, a tarot and oracle card reading, or to consider what kinds of transitions you need to make in your life (Ahem. I am Certified Results Coach - book a free strategy session over the phone, anywhere in the world).
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